
Help what should i do now?

by Guest58071  |  earlier

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ive just seen a shapeshifter in my back yard, (it maybe from mars) or pluto

what should i do?

call the police

or U.S military

ime sure i saw i a Ray Gun




  1. There are many shapeshifters around us. They are so good at what they do we miss them all the time. The only time you'll know for sure what they are is if you actually catch them in the act of shape shifting.

    I would suggest you do nothing. After all, how do you know that whoever you report this particular one to isn't also a shapeshifter?

  2. i'd say your first port of call should be the nuthouse :)  

  3. get your pitchfork and flaming stick and deal with it the old fashioned way

  4. I would say listen to Dr Grumples, it's well grounded advice...

  5. Schizophrenics get all the good drugs, did you miss a dose?

    If your not..... why not invite it in for a drink?

  6. Calm down, it was only me.  And it was only a glue gun.  Sorry to catch you a fright.

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