
Help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what should i do!!!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i just mail from one of those free cell phone things help! my mom is going to explode when i get home.( at library writing this) i just got 2 books.its because i was at the library with friends and one of my friends hade her email up and she had a free cell phone ofer just to see what happens i had her email me it ( my mom dont know i have a email) well the next day my mom got to phone calls then about a week later when i thout it was over i aswerd the phone it was from the thing. well now a mounth later i defffanitly thought it was over but i gess not beacuse i got mail. help i keep pray taht my mom wont be so mad i only did it beacuse she said she sines up all the time and never gets eny thing but she forgot to tell me that dont sin up for eny thing else so im sacared and shaking well i write this. but lucky to my friend shes in loseana with family so a dont know what to do. my stomick has buterflys. help.




  1. Never sign up for these things they are a rip off and the only thing you get offered is to sit and listen to a speech for a crappy dinner and McDonald's and Trips to Vegas and Tahoe which are comp trips so they cost the casino nothing....

    She can not stop them from calling now that her number is on a call back list and the Do Not Call List doesn't work with these type of Telemarketers..


  2. There are alot of websites meant to help eachother out against viruses, worms, and also ad-machines like this, type the name of the thing into google and look for some instructions. Also about your mom, how about your dad? or a older brother/sister? the best weapon again a angry parent is to have a ally.

  3. you just need to be honest with your mom & tell her what you did so she can fix it.

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