
Help what should i say?

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how do i convince my parents to let me stay up till 10:30 on school night my mom dosnt care but my stepdad does

what should i say?

im 13 and going in the 8th grade




  1. i am a very leniant parent of 2 12 year old kids (i have an 8 year old and one on the way also).

    what is your phone kerfew? what about tv , do you have one in your room? do your parents make you do "lights out, no tv" after a certain time?

    my 2 12 year olds have a bedtime of 9:30-that doesn't mean go to sleep. that means, lay in bed, read a book or watch tv.(no phone after 9pm) i do this because they need to settle down before bed to actually fall asleep i beleive, and also, i am a mother and i want time to myself for a little bit.

    are you wanting to roam the house, play on the computer, talk on the phone till 10:30?? or do you mean just no lights out?


    ask them if you can read a book or watch tv until 10pm, then lights out. give it a couple of weeks of doing it on time without being asked, then ask again "i have done exactly what we agreed on. can we raise it to 10:30??

    if you want to roam, talk & play-i would say forget it. parents need time together also, and that is one reason for my house rules for bedtime. but if you can find something quiet to do in your rrom, then i would ask politely, and if they say no, ask what you can do to change their mind.

  2. tell them just to let them do it JUST ONE TIME and if you have problems getting up for school the next day that then you'll agree to their rules

  3. I personally think 10:30 is a little late.  But, if you want to ask your parents, I'd suggest letting you stay up as long as your grades didn't falter and your disposition stayed pleasant.  But you have to let them be the judge.

  4. Well, I'm not trying to be mean, but you step-dad can't say whats best for you, but your mom can, and hse already said yes so GO FOR IT!!

  5. I think 10.30 maybe a little late what time do you go to bed maybe try for a little early er  

  6. I think you should go to bed at 9:30 so you are well rested for Mrs.Mcievers class the next day, we all know how she can get.

  7. You shouldn't stay up past 10:30 if you were my child you would be going to bed at 8:00 on a school night. A young girl/boy like you needs your sleep and should go to bed as early as possible to be able to get up on time for school. School is very important in life.

  8. sorry dear but i think 10:30 is too late on a school night. you need sleep.

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