
Help! what to say in my text to my kinda boyfriend?

by  |  earlier

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so my ex boyfriend who lives 5 hours away is having a party tonight with his friends... a pool party, with A LOT of alcohol to be exact. lately, hes been telling me that i'm the only one he wants to be with, and hes actually coming to visit in a few weeks... even though im the only one he wants to be with, i still cant shake the feeling that maybe h**l hook up with a girl tonight because hes drunk, which i reallyyy dont want to happen. i was going to send him a text, just to tell him to have fun and maybe a little something along the lines of "you better not get with any other chicks" but in a subtle, non chalant way. any ideas on how to do this or what i should say? please, no critcism of the relationship in generall... im just looking for help for what to write.. thanks!




  1. just joke around and say "have fun with your drunken hook ups"

  2. This question is stupid.  

  3. I really don't know a way to word it without it sounding really creeper-ish haha. Just keep texting him all night, keep his eyes on the phone and off anyone else! :)

  4. u should drive up their in a little bikini and be like surpirse! but 5 hours is a ridicoulusly long way to drive how can you even date when your so far away?

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