
Help.. what would you do?

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So I have a group project due tomorrow. The problem is that my group and I haven't interacted about this at all other than right at the beginning. It's a 6-8 page essay, and it was a group of 4 including me.

My group wanted to take a certain direction with our project that didn't relate at all to what our class was about, and I don't have any information on this.

I am planning on just writing my own essay and handing it in tomorrow when it is due.

Class is first thing tomorrow morning so talking to my professor beforehand isn't an option.

What would you do?

I am semi-worried about this, but my professor seems like a very reasonable person and I don't think she would be upset.

If the group essay was 6-8 pages do you think I could get away with only 4 pages if it's just me?

Thanks everyone.

Also, as I said I haven't spoken to my group at all lately. I had emailed them last week but they didn't write back.

I plan on just passing in my essay and not saying anything to them.




  1. your problem is a simple one... you've been shut out because you are exactly where they are. I would go to your teacher and see if something can be worked out. it is supposed to be a group project, so if you turn in something on your own, you could fail the project. but what is good for one is also good for another... if you fail, they all will probably fail as well. but I would go to the teacher and see if a positive solution could be found. good luck

  2. id say write 6 pages just to be safe and not tell them obvisously they dont care and you did try and get ahold of them so just do 1 yourself and not let them take ne of the credit for your work

  3. i think you're doing the right thing by turning in your own paper. just because of other people's laziness, your grades shouldn't have to suffer. but, you could have tried talking to them in that class, or have tried to find them somewhere on campus? if you tried your hardest and did what you could to make this assignment a group effort, then it is NOT your fault that your group didnt contribute. i think you pretty much had the right idea, and now, you'll get the grade you deserve, while your lazy, selfish group gets nothing! revenge is sweet, i know :)

  4. Say something to them. By saying nothing to them, you are stabbing them in the back and showing you are deceitful and selfish.

  5. It is best to email your classmates and call them as soon as possible. The class assignment was to work as a group, so you should try and do that as much as possible. If after trying this you should also try to complete the assignment since it shows more initiative and will help your grade. Sorry to hear about your school trouble - this is why they say that part of being in school is the social interaction. In the work environment you have to deal with situations like this and the assignments are never compromised because of extenuating circumstances.

  6. i'm sure by now you're group already has something written the safest thing for you to do would be to type your own (6 page) paper, turn in it, and hope the prof doesn't get too upset that she has to read and grade an extra essay.

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