
Help whats happening?

by  |  earlier

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m betta is acting all weird he will eat his food then spit it out and the he is bearing him self under the pebbles in his tank

sorry about spelling!!!




  1. he's probably stressed or sick.  

  2. they eating and spiting out all fish do that but they bearing him self  under pebbeles i dont know about

  3. Is he making the bubbles?  It could be a bubble nest, maybe he is getting ready to breed.  

  4. I would call a petstore that deals alot with fish. They should know what this is all about. My guess he is sick or maybe laying eggs if female and has been mated.

  5. It sounds like he's stressed out.  Do you have any place for him to hide in the tank?  He needs to have some kind of hiding place in there so that he doesn't have to try to bury himself under the pebbles to hide.  Get him a plant or a little cave to hide in when he's frightened or stressed.  That should help.  Perhaps the lights are too bright for him?  Bettas tend to like low light and little to no current.  You could try covering his tank up with a towel or cloth so that it's dark and he feels hidden.  That usually helps to calm and relax a stressed fish.

    It's not uncommon for bettas to be picky about their food.  Is he fairly new?  It often takes a few days for a betta to settle into a new tank and they may not eat during that time.  What are you feeding him?  Is this something he has eaten before?  Try calling the store or breeder you got him from and find out what they were feeding him.  Try giving him some frozen or freeze dried bloodworms.  Most bettas love those.  Above all, don't panic!  Bettas have very unique personalities and sometimes do weird things.  Try to get to know your fish.
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