
Help with 1st period after a miscarriage....?

by  |  earlier

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hi, i had a miscarriage the end of july/beginning of august. i started having a heavy loss on 1st august. i am assuming that my period would be due shortly. but i am in real pain with my b***s! i never suffered with them with a period pending before, but they are really sore now. they dont look a different colour etc like when you are pregnant. has anyone had new symptoms like this after a miscarriage? i did a hpt on friday as advised by the hospital to check my hcg levels had gone back to normal. i had a negative test, but i also know it may be to soon to get a positive yet. we have been trying again for a baby, but i dont want to do test after test if i am not even due a period yet.......i am so confused over this so any help would be gratefully appreciated!




  1. I am in EXACTLY the same situation as you!

    I had a D&C on 29th July, so 4 weeks ago and for the last few days by b***s have been SO sore. The only time I ever remember them being this sore was when I was pregnant with my son (they weren't sore like this with the pregnancy that miscarried)

    Like you, we have also been trying for another baby and I know it would be too early to get a positive if I was pregnant.

    I asked this same question yesterday about the sore b***s, I also did some research other places on the internet. I found a few examples of people saying that after a miscarriage they started getting sore b***s every cycle but they weren't pregnant.

    I also found a few examples of people saying that it happened to them and they were pregnant!

    So sorry that I can't give you a definite answer, but I'd be really interested to know how it works out for you!

    I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

  2. Doctors generally advise that you wait at least 3 periods before you try and conceive after a miscarriage. This is to ensure that your body has healed and that you have headed emotionally. It's hard because suffering from a miscarriage is upsetting and you almost want to try again immediately but its advised to wait for a few regular cycles. This will help pin point when you do get pregnant/due date etc. So sorry for your loss - I know how you feel. Hang in there and good luck!

  3. omg im going through it rite now. im waiting for my period been waitin  5 weeks and my b***s rite now have been hurting sooooo bad for the past 2 days.

    the only thing you can do really is wait.

    after a miscarriage the period is *suppose* to start 3-8 weeks after wards. every women is diferent though.

    i would say wait anova week or 2 if you have not come on then do a test.

  4. The thing is, you may not get a period for a while. It took me just over 5 weeks, and i have seen others take longer. I was in the same boat as you 3 months ago. I am so sorry you have to deal with this, but do wait until the bleeding is over before you try again. Even wait a month. I didn't wait and looking back i'm glad i didn't conceive, there was no way my body would have been ready for it. My periods haven't been regular since and i am having short cycles after waiting so long for my periods to return. I have wasted over ten tests in 3 months, i've lost track.

    A friend conceived straight away and miscarried yet again, the doctor said she just had not gave herself time to recover.

    I know wanting to try again straight away is so strong, but even if you might think you're ready, there's no telling how your body will be.

    Give it a week or so anyway and test, just to be sure. It will ease your mind too. X x x

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