ok a friend asked us to take her 2 x hermann tortoises both males living together 2 years old , since reading up on their care needs I'm concerned, first let me explain after measuring their carapaces one is 100mm and weights 202g which is good on the jackson ratio chart the other one is 750 mm and only weighs 87g which is way below (2) also they have been being kept in a plastic under bed storage tank 24 x 16 x 8 which i feel is way to small for both of them ?,(3) the smallest one hardly ever wakes up it buries itself into the sawdust which is my next concern as i have been told sawdust is bad, so i wish to sort a new habitat asap but cant decide on a vivarium or table type as web sites conflict about this advice ?, (4) also what can i do to assist the small one to grow and wake up more ?, he seems to prefer being hand fed and eats more this way and currently we are waking him up and placing him under the current basking light which clips on the side from which i understand is a dual uvb / heat light ? should i get seperate lights ? and how long go on for ?
any sensible advice gratefully received, thanks in advance