
Help with 4 wk old twins...?

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Okay... I have 4 wk old twins... right now they are sleeping about 3 hours at a time and are really good babies. The only problem is they do not sleep in their crib yet they sleep in their bouncers... does anyone know if it's true that you can't spoil them yet? I just don't want to set them up for a harder time later? Any advice would be greatly appreciatted :)




  1. Nothing wrong with that. I didn't put my babies in their own crib till they were 4 months. Before that, they shared a pack n play and slept in swings and bouncy chairs.

    No worries, you're doing great!

  2. sleeping in their bouncers is fine. at one month you are still trying to get used to them as they are to you.

    my oldest slept in his swing most nights when he was a baby because of colic.

    yes they can be spoiled, but you are not setting them up for a hard time later, not with the spoling you are doing at this point!

  3. no they are too young to be spoiled yet. just be happy they are sleeping  3 hours at a time hopefully at the same time

  4. you can't spoil a baby until he is around 6 months...don't can safely let them sleep anywhere you like without risking spoiling them.

  5. Where ever you'd like them to sleep in a couple of months from now is where you should lay them down.  They can't be spoiled right now,  but just like adults,  they get accustomed to sleeping in a favorite position.  Even if they fall asleep in their bouncers you can still move them to their beds.  Congrats to you!  I'm barely making it with one 4 week old..  Good luck!!

  6. I don't understand what spoiling them and sleeping in a crib have anything to do with one another. If you mean should you let a 4 week old baby cry themselves to sleep, then absolutely not. Babies learn so much about the world in the first months of life. If you leave them to cry they will not learn anything except that their needs are not being met by the one person who should be there for them always. They should be sleeping in a crib or bassinet and not a bouncer or swing. Many young babies have died of SIDS sleeping for long periods of time in a swing or bouncer or any other device not meant for sleeping (even a car seat).  

  7. I am currently 19 weeks pregnant with twins and i love your question because im sure ill come across that. I wish there were more questions about twins!!! congrats and good luck.

  8. You can NOT spoil a 4 week old. As long as their needs are being met you are fine. My 4 week old sleeps in a bouncer as well and she's a good baby. My son slept in a bouncer too. He was just fine when he started in his crib. But no, there is no such thing as spoiling a young baby. :-)

  9. newborns should really be laid flat to sleep.  I'd get them in a cot / crib as soon as possible.  Its not a case of spoiling them so much as not damaging their backs.

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