My fiance has a 5 year old and a 3 year old son. I have been around both of them and helping to raise them both since they were 8 monhts and 2 and they both live with us. They both think of my as their mother and even call me mommy. Recently the 5 year old has been wetting the bed on pretty much a nightly basis. We've been very understanding and sympathetic about it, but he still is so embarrassed by it. When he has an accident he won't come and wake us up, he will either lay in his wet bed all night or sleep in the floor! It's really just started this week and I'm not really sure what else I can do for him, I try to tell him that everyone has accidents and that it's nothing to be ashamed of, I've asked him if he's been having bad dreams etc. I am going to go and get him so of those goodnites diaper type things for kids who wet the bed. Can anyone recommend a good brand of those? Also what else can I do to help him not be so embarassed by this? Thanks!