
Help with 8th grade school problem???

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we are assigned "teams" in my school..there are three...d,e, and g. i was put in a homeroom with a girl i have a huge conflict with and on a team with many people i do not know. i would love to switch to team e where most of my friends mom is going to hte call the school but doesnt know what she should say to make the switch sound reasonable. ideas?




  1. tell her to say : it would help you learn better if you were in a environment where you were comfortable with the people around you  

  2. she should say you really dont feel comfortable in that team and thinks that you would have a much better  8th grade experience in team e

  3. honestly.... take this is as a learning experience.. in life your not always going to be with someone that you like or even get along with.. but in real life there is no switching. i think you shouldnt try to take an easy way out and try to switch.. try to find some new people to become friends with.. sure its very difficult for the first couple of days.. but truly how are you going to make new friends if you dont meet new people! so i would suggest that you should show your maturity and show them that your not going to take the easy way out! good luck and try to take what ive said in consideration! GOOD LUCK

  4. You can't run from your problems all your life. Your mom won;t always be able to make a phone call and problems will go away just like that. You are going to be in different and uncomfortable situiations. What is so terrible about this one girl? You are the problem, you need to accept and come to terms with her. If she doesn't want to than you've done all you could and she has the problem.

  5. hello________ i have called to ask if you can switch my daughter to a different group in one of her classes. she seems to not get along with ones of the girls and would work much better in a group with people she is more comfortable with.

    perhaps this...

  6. DON"T SAY THAT SHE WOULD LIKE TO BE WITH HER FRIENDS! The school will tell you that you will make friends. Just state the conflict or say that your friend or cousin did not like the teachers on that team.

    Hope I Helped. Good Luck, but either way you'll make friends. =]

  7. This is what the team stuff is supposed to do.

    Just do your best, as your Mom can't call the place you end up working in a few years and ask to have you moved with your friends...

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