
Help with Capricorn men... 10pts best answer?

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I'm a Sag. I usually date other Fire signs. I think I ruined a potential relationship with a Cap man. All I did was cancel plans with him last minute. Now He is completely ignoring me. How can I fix things? Does anyone know about capricorns?




  1. Well, well, well.  U totally screwed up when u cancelled at the last minute!  Us Capricorns take pride in planning events with our significant other.  Ur date may be something he put serious thought into to be sure u were pleased and comfortable.  and @ the LAST MINUTE??? Girl, u've gotta redeem yourself!  My suggestion is: Send him an inexpensive gift to his job...maybe like one of those fruit arrangements shaped like flowers and a card explaining how u realize that u shouldve given him a much greater notice and your plans as to how it would never happen again.  Invite him for dinner @ ur place.  HOPE U CAN COOK!>>>WE LOVE TO EAT!  Keep it simple: Steak, Pot, Garlic Bread, WINE!  Maybe even some soft music and a few candles.  We love in-doors romance (at home).  Good Luck!

  2. Im a cap and I know that I tend to take things a little more serious than I would like to some times.  Alot of things that I might take seriously, I cant help but feel that way at the time.  Most others in a similar situation would be like chill out, or its not that serious.  He was probably really lookin forward to it and when you skipped out didnt think that you were taking the date seriously.  He probably felt like you didnt take your attraction to him seriously.  He was probably worried that you dont like him as much as he does you.  What I think would help you is if you explain to him why you skipped the date last minute and also let him know that you were also really lookin forward to the date, but had something come up last minute. It would help to use an honest sincere tone too probably. I guess apologize and suggest that he take you out somewhere again later and promise to stick to stick to it.  If you do this im almost sure he'll understand and he wont be so closed up.  Caps usually stick by there word and expect others to do the same.  So in your eyes it was just a simple change of plans.  But in his eyes.....he probably got the impression that you didn't like him enough to take make sure you stuck to the plans.  Let him know what the deal is....and its all gravy.   :-)


    2)Make another date

    3)Dont be late

    And ur good to go.  good luck. hope I helped

  3. Capricorns word is his bond, and they expect others to have the same integrity.

    to fix it with him, make a date and STICK to it..!!

  4. oh well as you might already know.. capricorns dont like silly unprepared people, unless his moon sign is influenced by air. So last minute changes and cancellations do annoy them. They like things to be direct and on time. Theyre also not easy to let go and forgive.. so how to fix things.. mhm i guess be honest about why you had to cancel, and if hes worth it he`ll understand unless your reason had no authentic bases. Theyre pretty understanding when they want to be.

  5. Sagittarius,

    You have WAY too much energy to waste it on a bean counting, petty minded Capricorn.

    Stop now and avoid a BIG mistake - find someone who shares your zest or end up mired in Capricorns introverted and annoying world.

    Good luck!

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