
Help with Dreams!!!?

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when i walked out into the yard there were dragonflies with blue wings that had round vibrant black and blue circular eye like markings on the wings. They were mating with brown walking stick bugs and had their wings wrapped around the brown walking sticks like a hug. when i asked my husband what they were, he said it was a bad sign that meant something was going to happen.




  1. Hi there,

    If in your dream the YARD was nice and tidy it will represent your ability to maintain and organize parts of your outside life within your waking life, such as work and your social activities. So if you have recently been worrying about this then this part of the dream is asking you to relax and not worry anymore as your coping just fine. DRAGONFLIES in dreams stand for changes in your waking life. It may also mean for you that something in your waking life isn't quite as it seems. BLUE stands amounst other things for truth and openness. BLACK often amoungst other things stands for the unknown. Prehaps there are changes happening in your waking life which your unsure of. The WINGS of the dragonfly id suugest represents your ability to overcome your situations in your waking life. It may also mean you are trying to fly away or escape something. The BUGS usually are about your anxieties and fears.

  2. The eyes on the dragonflies represent your vision or how you view the stick bugs.  The question to you, is who do the stick bugs represent, and why do they need a hug?
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