
Help with FTP and file sending?

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I have setup a FTP server on my laptop at home (connects to internet via WIFI) when I try to send files from the desktop using and ftp command in dos,it seems to send the file to the laptop ok but it's always corrupt,it saves it in the local settings/temp folder,and is names "and".

what am I doing wrong and is there a way to stipulate exactly where it should end up on my laptop so I can find it easier?

Thanks in advance




  1. Im going to say you should get a ftp client.  Dos is not the best for modern file management.  Go to and get a free ftp client.  Dos doesnt like long filenames and its old, very old.

  2. Why are you using DOS? It is outdated.

  3. You have to specify ASCII or BINARY transfer mode in DOS.  What kind of file is it?

    Look up FTP DOS commands if you are not 100%

    Alternatively, download a free FTP client.

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