
Help with Freshmen Girls?

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Ok, I'm a 15 year old sophomore starting school Tuesday and am having a problem. How do I talk to the FRESHMEN GIRLS?!?! Most of the girls in my grade are s****. and stuck up and I've heard that freshmen girls want to go out with older guys when they start high school. So, how do I talk to them like in the hallway or in class? What do I say? I'm very shy especially around girls so any help would be great.




  1. okay im a freshman girl, so heres my advice:

    once when i was totally lost a guy stopped and helped me find my class which i totally loved and appreciated.

    at the football game this past weekend i met a few sophomores through some friends.....

    ask them questions about how there liking the school and which teachers they have...

    that should work! good luck!

  2. Um, MOST girls are s****. and stuckup, no matter what their age.

    The trick is to find those that aren't and will talk to you when you talk to them.

  3. choose a girl you have a class with, so itll be easier to get close to her. sit next to her and introduce yourself, offer her help around the school, say hey in the halls, i.m. her, etc.

    youll get it eventually. have fun and chill, no girl likes an uptight guy.

    **if the sophmores are, chances are the freshmen might be too, since theyre raised by the same types of people and are around those girls, but dont give up hope! there will be some special different girls ;D

  4. just introduce yourslelf and yeah girls normally want to go out with guys that are older;...

  5. umm..some girls think that older guys onyl want them for one thing. and I'm a freshmen in  high sch. and just be yourself talk  about classes, and old middle schools , summers.  

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