
Help with OpenOffice.Org?

by  |  earlier

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My friend told me that its absolutely free, legal, and virus free, but I really cant trust him. Even if you don't have antivirus, will your computer stay safe? will it get a virus? and is it REALLY legal? I thought that its illegal because its free. BTW, my computer is a windows XP. Can someone who tried answer?




  1. OpenOffice FREE and SAFE and it works with Microsoft files.

    OpenOffice The free and open productivity suite

    When you download from the Internet, use “SAVE” not “RUN”

    Make sure you KNOW/CONTROL where the FILE SAVES.


    OpenOffice download is a extremely large program. It contains 5 Application programs plus an extraction program and a program installer.


    When the Download box appears

    • Click on SAVE


    Once you downloaded/saved OpenOffice on your hard drive, you have to extract the Installer.

    • Click on the program Icon.

    In the installation Preparation box,

    • Click Next

    You should get the default “Destination folder”

    C:\Users\Yourname\Desktop\OpenOffice.o... 2.4 (en-US) Installation Files

    • Click Unpack

    OpenOffice Installation Wizard will come up.

    • Click Next

    Check (I accept the terms in the license agreement)

    • Click Next

    If the customer information is OK

    • Click Next

    At the Setup type

    • Click Next

    At the File Type

    • Click Next

    Click Install

    At Installation Wizard Completed

    • Click Finish


    Open OpenOffice

    Scroll down the licence Agreement

    • Click Accept.


    In OpenOffice

    • Click Tools

    • Click Options

    • Click Load/Save

    Select Microsoft Office

    • Check all the S boxes.

    • Click OK


    Delete the “Destination folder” on your desktop

    You can also delete the downloaded file.


    Some GREAT online programs are:


    Adobe Buzzword


  2. Hi !

    At  first understand what is this u know its like a ms-office. Openoffice is absolutely free, even when i installed the fedora 9(linux os) it installed itself automatically,not like the windows,because in windows u must've to install the ms-office seprately.

              And the answer of ur next part is it will it get a virus? u can easily understand now. if ur pc affected by viruses, then it can affect everything depend on the virus nature, either it may be ms-office or openoffice. So openoffice is just like ms-office peckage nd is absoluetly free.for windows u must've to install the seprately,but no need to install seprately in case of fedora(linux o.s)

  3. Yes, the program is open source, and therefore totally free. I have used it for many months and have never had a virus. It's totally safe.

    About it being legal, it is. It's distributed under the GPL. Check out 'GPL' on wikipedia to get more information.

    The program is great, I recommend it to you.

  4. It is better than what you, as an obvious windows user would consider free. It is Open Source....which means that it is not only free as in free beer. It is free as in free speech.


    You are just about ready to discover a whole new world.

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