
Help with Presentation Nerves?

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I am going to be presenting to some top managers and directors in my company and am quite nervous about it. Does anyone have any tips to try and help me calm my nerves




  1. Every time you feel nervous, breathe deeply and count to ten. Listen to your favourite song before the presentation, and avoid caffeine beforehand. Go for a hot chocolate or something. :)

    Best of luck, and remember, if you make any mistakes, that only shows that you're human. :)

  2. practise - know your facts

    don't think about it like a 'presentation', but rather as an opportunity to pass on information. (don't be scared that they are 'top managers' and directors, i've interviewed some top brass in my time, trust me, they are normal people, who are either really interested in your findings, or too bored with yet another pointless meeting!)

    dress in a manner that you're comfy with! so you can concentrate on your report rather than your own appearance.

  3. When you're somewhere you feel most comfortable/safe close your eyes and imagine a white line like a laser slowly scanning your body, as the light passes over relax all the muscles in that area.

    When you're perfectly relaxed, go through the presentation in your mind, see the people in the room, see yourself giving the presentation with confidence and it being well received.

    If nerves creep in go back to the relaxation exercise, if you do this, on the day of the presentation your nerves should go.

  4. I've got some tips both for how to calm your nerves as well as how to structure the presentation.

    Have a look at this page for that information:

    It's about how to get over stage fright, but you will also find links to the part about how to set up a presentation for maximum effectiveness as well as how to use your personal communicative skills in the best way.

    One of the basic things that will help you to feel more comfortable is knowing that you are very well prepared. Practice your presentation. Practice it again. And when you think you have it down pat, practice it again. Get feedback from family members and friends. This will already be a tremendous help.

    Another thing that can help you is knowing as best you can, what the audience is looking for, what they are expecting from you.

    Eye contact: scan the audience while you are speaking and don't pick out one or two people and speak only to them. That's a big mistake that some presenters make and it gives others the feeling that you are not talking to them.

    Feeling confident that what you are saying is hitting home.

    Have a presentation that is structured for success!


    Gesture: it will help you to get rid of negative energy

    Start out speaking in a full tone of voice. Speaking in a low tone of voice gives the feeling that you are insecure.

    Keep your hands free. Don't hold things (pen, paper, etc.) in your hands while you are speaking unless you need to look at your notes.

    If you are using visual aids, make sure that you use them only for reference. Don't turn around and talk to the projection screen and turn your back to the audience. Speak to them.

    These things will also help you to be calm, because you will feel more prepared.

    Good luck!


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