
Help with Raid!?

by  |  earlier

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i just moved to a new apartment building. so my mom heard there were a lot of roaches in apartment buildings and she sprayed raid in every corner even in the bathroom corners. 2 minutes ago i saw a roach run across my living room floor so my mom squishes it. does raid work if you spray it in corners? please let me know because i hate roaches!




  1. Well yeah, it works, but it's not 100%. Here's what you need to do if you wanna get rid of then once and for all! Go to the store and get some poison, non spray poison. Than fix a little snack for those b******s (milk, a little shugar and bread and some poison ofcourse ]:-)) Mix it all together and roll that supstace, you got, into tinie little balls (size of a jawbraker) and putt those in all of the corneres in your house for a few days, the roaches are gonna die!!!

    Good luck

  2. I don't think you just spray it in corners...u have to spray it along the baseboards and get a spray for ur windows and if possible, for the outside or ur apartment.
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