
Help with Ryanair airlines?

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I flew with Ryanair to Dublin airport, as you may know there was a radar failure and I had to pay for a hotel and ferry back home. The total amounted to £150. Who should I try and claim from (and how do I do it)? Ryanair Or Dublin Airport.




  1. Go to and look under NEWS to see Ryanair's explanation of what happened and to whom is to blame.  Ryanair has no intention of giving any money back without a court battle.  Mike's stance is for 9 euros you bought a cheap ticket I'll be d**n if I'm going to buy you a hotel room if it get's screwed up.  I'm located at Hahn Airport and know of your situation, am not connected with the airport or airlines.  I have a business here.  My customers come by and I hear their stories.  Good luck with getting your refund but I really don't think you're going to get your money back from either Ryanair or a european government office.  Cheap airlines are cheap for a reason!!!

  2. Dublin Airport are responsable!

  3. From Ryanair´s website:

    Ryanair continues to call for a government investigation into the failure of the Dublin Radar System, and the failure of the IAA to put the Shannon back-up contingency plan in place. Ryanair condemns the failure of the Aviation Regulator to take any action against the IAA, to ensure that the IAA monopoly provides a service which airport users at Dublin Airport pay for.

    Ryanair recommend that any complaints or inquiries in relation to this IAA collapse at Dublin Airport should be directed to the IAA via their Headquarters Office in Dublin (Telephone No.: +353(0)1 6718655) or to the Aviation Regulator (Telephone No.:+353-(0)1-6611700) who is responsible for ensuring that the IAA meets the needs of its users.

    Complaints or Inquiries on the IAA Radar collapse should be directed to:-

    Mr Cathal Guiomard

    Commissioner for Aviation Regulation

    3rd Floor

    Alexandra House,

    Earlsfort Terrace,  

    Dublin 2.

    Irish Aviation Authority

    Aviation House

    Hawkins Street

    Dublin 2

  4. I don't think there is anyone you can claim from. It wasn't Ryanair's fault and so they are not responsible.  You had no contract with Dublin Airport so you can't claim from them. Sorry sometimes bad things happen.

    Did you have travel insurance? If so check if they would cover it but  insurance companies don't like paying out and love small print in contracts.

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