
Help with Salchow Jump?

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I tried to do a Salchow Jump for the 1st time on thursday and completely wiped out! My coach said i under rotated and I landed on my face. Can you give me some tips because i feel so lost doign this jump. I don't want to ignore this jump and back away from it just because i hurt myself I want to get straight back into it!

Please help I'm sort of scared to try it again!




  1. .

  2. i don't know how to do it, but i am working on it. Just go step by step with your coach without jumping.  Good job for your attitude.  Falling is just a part of skating.  try looking at for a slow movie of the salchow.  Don't be afraid to try it again!!:)

  3. Off ice first.... Don't be scared when u jump coz if u do then u gonna fall down. Now, when u jump, bend ur knee and stand up STRAIGHT. Then swing your leg to the air and pull ur arms tight. Then when u want to land, dont be scared to open ur arms wide open and land with your toe pick (sp?). And one more time stand up straight when you wanna land and open ur arms wide.

    Falling down on ice should be every ice skater's "breakfast". I even fall down doing axel in my competition! Oh well but anyway


  4. when you jump in to your skating sorta speak... you have to just go for it... determination is the key and you cant be afraid to do so.. i really loved to jump and i poured my heart and soul into it....  i drove my coach nuts working so hard but i was that determined...

    invest in knee pads, wrist pads and elbow pads and a padded helmet not to mention a butt pad as well. this will help you not to be afraid to fall if you do and you will i am sure of it... start training on a trampoline as well so you can get use to jumping and spinning in the air....and to learn where your body is at all times...if you flop around like a chicken in the air with his head cut off  you will land on your face lol.. so train on a trampoline and also try jumps off a mini tramp and just in the grass with out skates... at ground level you can build strength in your legs so you can jump higher.

    you have to teach your mind to know where your body is at all times when its not planted firmly on the ground...

    make sure you stay healthy as well too. if you have a bit of a cold it will throw off your balance very easily, so stay healthy... take an immune booster to ward away the flu and colds...

    also discipline is a key word to remember as well... watch the movie Ice Princess... in google type in figure skating jumps and you will find a boat load of information on different jumps...

    and have fun..


    mystic (i have a love for skating)

  5. just try to do it first without jumping.. then do a little step.. then you can gradually get better until you have enough confidence to jump

    it took me ages to realise how you do a salchow .. but its actually really easy .. like turning into a spin then jumping

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