
Help with Social Security Disability paperwork?

by Guest33429  |  earlier

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Are there any good sites online that provide information on filling out Social Security Disability paperwork?

I've got about 20 pages here of various questions about past employment, my daily activities, medical history - in addition to all the other paper work I already filled out and sent back. I'm not quite sure where to begin.

Any advice or links would be appreciated.




  1. I don't think so!  You just have to start on a page, and answer all the questions.

    I"m not sure why you need "help" telling them about your daily activities . . .

  2. DES

  3. Go directly to the Social Security Administration office with your information and id's. They will direct and help you with only what is necessary. The SSA will be able to see your history and any benefits that you may be entitled to.

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