
Help with US history.?

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These are extra credit questions. I'm only stuck with these 3. They seem like trick questions because there's many different way to answer them. Here's the picture

1. What further clues to the European mentality of the time does the map offer? In what ways might misconceptions about the geography of the Americas have influenced further exploration and settlement patterns?

2. Which portions of "New World" geography were more accurately mapped by European cartographers in 1546? Which were most distorted? Why?

3. Notice the closeness of Zipangri (Japan) and India to the West Coast of North America on the map. What does this tell you about Europeans' continuing belieft in a "western route to the Indies" a half century afer Columbus stumbled upon the Americas?




  1. to answer number two, clearly they have Florida, Panama, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Islands,  and roughly the east coast of both American continents. The northwestern reaches of N. America are clearly misunderstood, and likely distorted due to the great Lakes and/or Hudson Bay.  

    Q3:There appears to be an assumption that this should be a "Northwest Passage" and an easier way through. They were right that Asia and North American narrow together, however they obviously misunderstood the expanse of the Pacific Ocean.

    To question number one: This to me reflects an optimism and an ambition of the Renaissance period. Exploration, technology and other advances were not deterred by time and distance. The world to them was becoming smaller and the European continent was reaching maximum sustainability. The shackles of repressive authorities were also loosening and fostering ambitions.

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