
Help with Windows automatic updates?

by  |  earlier

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Everytime I switch on my computer, the Windows automatic update icon pops up and requires me to install the updates, while in fact I already did. It goes on normally, it says I should restart and I do that but the same updates keep on being requested to be installed everytime I do a restart.

If it helps, they're 3 updates:

1. Outlook Express security update

2. Update for Windows XP

3. Well, I forgot... x.x

Any ideas why is this happening?

I'm fed up with this stupid update icon...


CPU: Running Windows XP Home Software, SP2.




  1. Something didn't load when it was supposed to, that's why this thing keeps popping up. I had the same thing happen because I kept putting off installing an update that I didn't think I needed. The computer did need it, however.

    You can either turn off automatic updates, which ISN'T a good idea, or go to Microsoft's update site and check to see which updates are not listed on your computer. It should show above Programs when you click on your Start button.

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