
Help with a Hooligans homework?

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Look i had to miss class because of sickness and in my absence my group at school watched the movie Hooligans and they had to do an activity but i wasn't there so i really don't know anything abou the movie can you help with this homework please

they told me too look for the meanings of Deindividuation and

Polarization that part i already have it

Deindividuation is a state of lowered self-awareness, a temporary loss of personal identity resulting from becoming part of a group, such as an army or a mob.

Polarization is the process whereby a social or political group is divided into two opposing sub-groups with fewer and fewer members of the group remaining neutral or holding an intermediate position.

but know they ask me to : For next class...

From the movie Hooligans, find an example of deindividuation and polarization. Explain why you choose those examples.

I have to find an example of the movie for each definition and explain why i choose it can you help me? please




  1. I've never seen the movie, but have you looked on YouTube to see if their are any clips that you then may be able to bull **** on. Also check to see if their are any blogs on the movie and/or see if you can find the movie script.

    Good look mate

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