
Help with a Ouija Board? [[:

by Guest45365  |  earlier

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I am curious about the Ouija Board and the paranormal. I decided to give a try but before I do that, I need to clear up some things.

1. What are the dangers of the board?

2. What questions should I NOT ask?

3. What should I NOT do at the start, middle, and end of the session?

4. Are the spirits more friendly or evil?

5.What manners should I display at the start, middle, and end of the session?

6. Is it best to do the session alone or with a friend?

7. At what time is it best to do the session?

8. What setting should I create in the room? Can I allow a bible?

9. What is the best way to destroy the the board?

10. If possible please explain an encounter that you or your friend has during the Ouija Board.





  1. I've never used one personally, but I know people who have. From their experiences, they told me that nothing but bad has came out of it. In my opinion, I feel that you should not try out this ouija board, unless you are experienced and know exactly what you are doing. You may end up making contact with people, who are not actually people, but demons and you may not be able to get rid of them. I feel it's unnatural, and that you may be opening doors that you're not ready for.

    Here are some quotes from experts: Quoted by:

    Denise of S.P.I.R.I.T.S of St. Petersburg

    I do think that there are people who can successfully use it, but they are far and few in between. Unless you have many, many years of psychic, mediumship and channeling experience, then, Do Not Touch Them.

    Richard Senate: Ghost Hunter, Investigating haunted sites since 1978.

    I do not condemn the board BUT, It isn't a toy and should be used with great care.  It can be harmful (like any tool) if its not used well.

    These are a few rules I tell students:

    1. Never never never use a board by yourself!

        The people who get into trouble do this.

    2. Always use at least three people.

    3. The person asking the questions should not be on the board (using the planchette).

    4. Never believe what is spelled out until checked.

    5. If anything bad happens on the board, stop using it at once.

    (Like if you should contact Hitler, Satan or some such evil person).

    6. Keep good notes.

    People have written novels using Ouija Boards--some are good.

    7. More good things come out of the board than evil.

        For every horror story, I have files of good communication.

    This is from an article:

    People will tell you that the ouija board opens a gateway to another dimension, or is a gateway that allows those spirits that are less then good, to come through. Also, you are always told never to use these things all alone. The ouija board, for all it's supposed dangers (real or not) is an enigmatic item. Even knowing the terrible things that could happen should you use one, does not usually deter the normal person.

    So, alas, here are a few tips I've picked from the minds of those who have used them.

    Never use one all alone. Have at least three people with you.

    Never make the spirit angry.

    Never ask the spirit to show itself, or prove that it is there. (This supposedly invites them in for good.)

    Always say a prayer to whatever gods you may believe in, or ask the good spirits around you for help, and protection.

    Always close the board by pointing the planchette to "goodbye".

    That's just a few things I've learned from reading random posts, but whatever the case may be, it is always best to play it safe when messing with the unknown. Should you decide that you would like to use this 'toy', use it in good conscienceness, and use it knowing that you are in control. Make sure you are also in control of yourself, no drugs, or alcohol in your system.

    As far as disposing of a ouija board:

    To dispose of a Ouija properly, you simply cut it into SEVEN pieces and bury it in the ground. This sets the spirits in your board free. DO NOT burn it just give the old board away for free.

    Good Luck!

  2. Do not ask questions that are too personal like s*x questions or stuff like that. there really are no dangers of the board just be VERY CAREFUL not to upset them inany kind of way. there are some spirits who are friendly and sum that are evil you will be able to tell the differnce with the change of energy in the room. you should always do the ouija board with a friend ALWAYS.NEVER ALONE i say this becuz there are sum spirits that wil try to take advantage of u if u are alone si be careful about that. DO NOT BRING A BIBLE!! some spirits wil be offended by it and u can get into trouble. evil spirits especially. and the best time to do the session is MIDNIGHT.BUT BEFORE 3 O CLOCK AM. the reason i say that is because 3 after midnight is the time when most evil spirits are out. so do this very wisely and be VERY CAREFUL WITH WHAT UR DOING! hope evrything goes wel!!  

  3. Many years ago we had a Ouija board and asked it two questions after having it several months.

    1) Ouija board, who controls you?  Answer: satan

    2) Ouija board, who is Satan?  Answer: 666

    We burnt the Ouija board game then, and the horrible screaming that came from the fire will remain in my memory till the day I die.

    Personally I will never have or "play" with a Ouija again.

  4. There are no dangers, you can ask the ouija board anything, you can use whatever procedures you prefer, there are no spirits attached to using a ouija board, they won't work alone, if you want to get rid of one simply throw it in the garbage. I have played the ouija board and nothing happened.

    The ouija board is just a game that you can buy in most toy stores and department stores, an ordinary piece of wood or plastic or cardboard.  It is meant for two or more players so it will not work very well if you try to use it alone.  It has no supernatural powers.  The people using the ouija board make it work through ideomotor movement.  It plays on your mind and imagination and your susceptibilities and beliefs and fears.  It can be scary because the imagination is a powerful thing, and can make you believe just about anything.  Here are a couple of links that discuss ouija boards and how to use them.  

  5. 1.  You might never close the portal to the dead

    2.  Anything that seems threatening

    3.  Not sure never use one

    4.  It depends who goes through the portal

    5.  You should be calm not scared as they get stronger with it

    6.  With a friend

    7.  Dead time( the time where its the darkest point of night usually 2-4 am)

    8.  dark with a light from a flashlight or a dim light with candles and yes bring the bible or anything holy

    9.  NEVER try and destroy the board

    10. As I said I never used one but my friend sure did but he was to scared to even tell me what happened

  6. my three friends & i tried it the other day. the top of the box was sitting on this chair and it randomly fell. it was friggin awesome.

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