
Help with a Roach Question!!!?

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I have seen these roaches in my house in the bedroom which has french doors going outside, but mainly in the front hall and have caught some running in from front door before.

I have had roaches when I was young and lived in a trailor they are more lighter and reddish. These roaches seem bigger and darker brown. Ive never seen one in the kitchen.

Are these a certain kind of roachor just normal Ol' Coach ROaches that infest your cabinets. So far they havent though.




  1. They might be "water bugs" or German roaches...they're still roaches.  

    I can't recall the exact recipe, but you can try putting Borax (in the laundry detergent aisle) and I think sugar was the other ingredient - together in several places on the floor - unless you have kids or pets who could get into it.

    Call an exterminator.

  2. They sound like oriental cockroaches, also called water bugs, and usually they don't live in the house; but they will wander in by accident.

    They will live in unheated garages and outbuildings, and in other enclosed spaces like water meters, sewers, and such.  They also may live under bushes and mulch, though I haven't seen them there.  They prefer damp surroundings.  

    You might want to look around outside and see if you can find where they are coming from.  

    They are not such a bad nuisance as the little brown German cockroaches, but you still probably don't want them in your house.  At least not too many.

  3. They could be from France, since your doors came from there.

  4. They may not have found your kitchen yet, but all roaches find our food to their liking.  I have found many roaches in my yard but never in my house.  They not only eat our food but many of our building products are tasty to roaches.  With only a few you may be able to get them all without calling an exterminator. I suggest some roach traps where you have seen them as well as adjacent rooms.  You should also schedule a sneak look in the middle of the night to see if there are more than you have seen.

    click on the picture to see which ones you have.

  5. The lighter roaches are house roaches and they're worse because they infest homes.  The bigger ones that are darker brown might be wood roaches and they mainly live outside.  Usually they only come in for a couple of months around June (in the midwest U.S. anyway) and then you don't see them anymore.

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