
Help with a ap biology question?

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describe the formation of a hydrogen bond and explain how it differs from a covalent or ionic bond?




  1. A hydrogen bond is a bond between partial negative and partial positive charges between hydrogen atoms bonded to a C, N, O, or F atom. The partial charge comes from the difference of electronegativity. A hydrogen bond is different from covalent bonds because it does not share electrons and ionic bonds because it does not donate or accept electrons. It is the wekest bond as well and is what causes the surface tension in water.  

  2. Water is two hydrogens and an oxygen. The Oxygen is bigger than the Hydrogens.  

    Remember, molecules share electrons.  So - this means the Oxyben atom in a water molecule will 'more often' have the electrons in it's sphere.

    This confers a negative charge on the oxygen and by default, a postive charge on the hydrogens.

    It is this interaction between adjacent water molecule 'hydrogens' and oxygens that causes an electrostattic attraction between negatively charged oxygen atoms and positively charged Hydrogen atoms.

    Covalent bonds are much stronger and 'fixed' between atoms.  Ionic bonds are between 'absolutely' charged ions - rather than intermittent and weak electrostatic interactions.

    This Hydrogen bonding makes water very unique!

  3. thats chemistry

    and covalent bonds mean the atoms come in pairs

    the rest of it i have no idea

    havent done chemistry in a few months

    all fuzzy nw

  4. it has to do with the number of valence electrons in the outer shell.. i forget which way it goes (been a while since HS) but i think the hydrogen has all the electrons filled..

    yes this is an AP bio question not chemistry

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