
Help with a bad staffing agency once already employed!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I was contacted about a job offer from a staffing agency though my career-builder account. I have accepted the job and have been here for about a year and a half. At first I had one contact but later he left the business but I wasn't given anyone to contact in place of him. There were two occasions that I didn't receive pay and had to contact them and then later got paid for those weeks, then after working a year they changed my taxes and had to straighten that mess up because I didn't move or change anything, then later they missed my pay for one week again which then over a week later got that one, and finally at my wits end have now ran into where they are messing with my insurance. I contacted my insurance and they said that anything they charge me is from the employer(staffing agency). That's 6 different things just regarding my pay in 15 and a half months that's something gone wrong with just pay almost every 2 months. I shouldn't have to fight that hard to get paid when I'm already underpaid for what I am doing.

So my question is...if this continues or if this last thing doesn't get resolved how do I report a bad staffing agency? Can I do a check on them? What rights do I have? What can I do?Help!




  1. I guess right now if I was in your situation, I would talk to a manager.  Ask them what is going on and then if nothing gets straightened out I would contact a local government agency and report them since employee has rights.  You have the right to be paid on time and no one should be messing around with your paycheck.

  2. i would move on to another staffing agency, unfortunately most of them are that way not gonna really help to report them to anyone.  Start looking for another job, but when you leave do it the right way or they will give you a bad reference.  Good Luck on your search!

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