
Help with a guy on msn!!?

by  |  earlier

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My hotmail e-mail was stolen last week for 2 days and one my friends got it back. As a result, I had numerous about 70 e-mails added from Mexico, Spain, Italy, Malta. Anyway there is this guy from Malta who I started a conversation with. He told me do I know him? I said " No You don't know me and I don't know you". So I told him if he wanted to delete me he can he said ok. However, it has been a week and he has not deleted me. What does it mean?

I think he is a good guy but I don't know how to start a conversation.

What if he thinks I'm a pain in the ***!!

What do I do?

Thank you




  1. Talk to him. Ask him. Be like

    Hey how are you?


    oh that's good



    Do you think i'm annoying? (or a pain in the ***)

    blah blah blah

    Help me with my question please?

  2. Usually I find that the best way to start a conversation with someone you don't know, is to stick to casual and non-invasive opening lines, such as "Hello, if you had to have intercourse with someone of the same gender, who would it be?".

    Another good trick is to not try to figure out the psychology of someone you've never spoken to, nor worry about what they'll think of you when you have no history or bond with the person that would make it a tragedy if they did think you were a pain.

    But that's just me, I could be wrong.

    Just say hi. Wait for a response. If there isn't one, don't push.  

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