
Help with a human geography essay?

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I just need a little help because I don't quite understand the assignment my teacher gave me.

He said discuss the population, potential, and problems of a country.

I understand the problems and potential, but for population do I just right facts such as 'They have XX people, XX people are literate, XX people are Hindu' ?

Is anyone else taking human geography?




  1. Perhaps you should get your Daddy_Lawyer to sue your teacher for dereliction of duty. He/She apparently didn't spoon-feed the assignment to you easy enough... Do it w/a frown, & maybe a clue.  

  2. I guess he is referring to population of the country and the strengths and problems they face due to the overpopulation or underpopulation - usually over populated states suffer poverty, food shortages and high population density, etc... So, do some more research in those lines and write the essay.

  3. I teach geography. Human Geography is studying how humans live together in a defined space.

    Population is a hug issue. I would try to touch on future planning (cities, poverty, diseases, etc). The world's population is now up past 6 billion. All these people use so many resources, so thats something else you could touch on.

    If I were you, I would find a country that interests me. Look for the HDI (Human Development Index) This is a standardized score that is given to a country based on living conditions (how easy it is to have shelter, food, water, etc). If you look online, you can find lots of stuff in encyclopedias and almanacs.

    I think what your teacher is looking for is analyzing the country in the present and future. Human Geography often looks at what will happen based on things in the present and how it will effect the future.

    I hope this helps. It;s hard to explain when I'm not sure what level you are talking about, or what subjects you have covered.

    Good luck!

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