1. Sometimes in order to provide the best customer service, it is necessary to use your own best judgment and not strictly adhere to normal company procedures
1= strongly disagree, 10=strongly agree
2. If a customer becomes rude and unreasonable, i would handle it by:
a. saying, "let me get my supervisor, I'm sure he will be able to help you."
b. saying, "im sorry but our policy does not allow me to do what you're requesting."
c. giving the customer whatever he wanted so other customers would not be kept waiting
3. In general, i think that its best for me to:
a. stay on task and do the job my supervisor assigned me to do until it is finished
b. finish the job my supervisor gave me, but be willing to help out another co-worker after my job is done
c. pay attention to my station, but be willing to help out a coworker if they get behind or need help