
Help with a one year old bitter?

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i am a teacher at a local daycare and we are having a problem with one of the children. he's biting all the time. he's one year old. he bites many times a day. it's while he's playing hes mad or tired. any advice before he gets kicked out of school?




  1. give him as raste of soap when he bites

  2. This sounds horrible, but bite back. Or rather, since you would get fired over this, see if there is a child that would bite him back and put them together. The kid evidently has no idea how it feels to someone else when he bites.

  3. the reason he bites is he is frustrated and doesnt have the words to explain how he feels. How would you feel if someone upset you and you were tired and you couldnt explain anything, you would do what made it stop or to get attention. This is a devopmentally appropriate behavior.

    Suggestions would be help him use his words to describe what he wants or feels. use redirection, show him that his feelings matter.

    When this happens remind him that its not ok to bite, our teeth are not for biting the are for eating, tell him how it hurts the person he bites. also this is a good time to ask how he is feeling and make suggestions on the words to use.

    good luck

  4. Here is what I would do in your situation and have done:

    (1) Teach sign language to infants and toddlers. They are just basic signs. They are fun to learn for both you and the children. It also helps the children express their needs and emotions to you. The best resource to teach children sign is to contact a local group like, National Association of the Deaf. Ask you school director's permission to invite someone to teach sign maybe once a week. This will empower your students to express themselves and it will make them more self-confident, which will then stop the biting.

    (2) If option 1 is not available to you Baby Einstein has a great video for infant sign that your local library should have. If the library does not have it go online to Amazon and buy it. The lessons on the video are extremely easy to follow. By the end of the video you should have atleast 3 signs mastered.

    (3) Talk to mom and dad. The child could just be trying to get attention. At this age any attention is attention whether its negative or positive. Whatever discipline is used at school mom and dad have to enforce it at home and relate to the child that it is not okay. If mom and dad are not willing to help, then maybe they should be held culpable for their child being released by your school.

  5. Make sure the child is not teething!  Sometimes all the child may need is a dose of motrin and a teething ring.  Stay close to the child at all times.  When he attempts to bite redirect him to the teething ring.

    Make sure the child is able to communicate.  Teach him the sign for please, more and stop.  Use the signs with him each time it is appropriate.

    I have had many successes with these methods.

  6. What comes to mind first of all , don't you have someone you can consult about this ?  A professional psychologist perhaps?  I would think that day care workers/ teachers besides training themselves would have somebody to consult.   You can't do what works for parents or you'd be fired and probably put into jail.  My mom used to say, '''IF THEY'RE OLD ENOUGH TO BITE, THEY'RE OLD ENOUGH TO BE BITTEN BACK'' .

    I never had a child of mine who bit but I had a little girl I was taking care of and she bite a couple times.  I told the child who got bit that he has to bite her back if she does it again, she did, he did, and it never happened again.

    Then I was watching the kids for a friend of mine and saw a set of teeth marks on the youngest, a 2 year old girl.  My friend said that her son, probably about 4 or 5 was biting the baby and she didn't know what to do.  I told her to ask her mom or the doctor.  Then while I was watching the kids, the baby let out a blood-thinning shriek and started screaming. She showed me the teeth marks in her arm and they had actually broken the skin and were bleeding.  Instinct - I back handed the little boy across the mouth and grabbed his arm and bit him, hard.  I yelled at him that I was going to bite him again if he ever bit his baby sister again.  

    Then I called his mom and told her what had happened.  She didn't say much but a couple weeks later she came to my house and gave me a huge hug and had brought me a bouquet of flowers.  She said that her son hadn't bitten since that day we watched him and she thanked me with all her heart.  

    It's horrible when a child seriously misbehaves and we as parents have to stop the destructive behavior at any cost.  It is horrible and painful for the parents but it's worse for the child to continue with behavior that causes others to really hate that kid.  Talk with the parents about this child who bites, it's a common thing , more so in boys, but it can be stopped.  One year olds don't reason yet so it has to be a consequences thing or they don't understand. A bite gets a whatever- and if the whatever is unpleasant enough, the kid will stop with the biting.  Otherwise, he won't.  It's not so complicated. But, the parents have to take control of this, or this child should be sent home for good.  

    I wouldn't want my child bitten by another child in a day care situation, I'd be angry as h*ll with the day care school.

  7. make sure that someone is always watching the first  sign of trouble.take him away from the situation....get him interested in another activity........but heyyyyyy one year old??? how many teeth does he have??? maybe he could suck at a year old..but dont think he could do much damage.and biting is a reflex action!

  8. O.K. I come across this problem lots as I work in an infant/toddler centre in Canada.  We would never be allowed to have 10 kids with 2 teachers - the ratio is l - 4 children but no matter.  When this child bites - don't say anything but immediately sit him in a high chair and give all of your attention to the child who has just gotten biten (get him a special ice pack - sit him on your lap etc).  Once the one who has been biten has settled down then go over to the one in the high chair and tell him - there is no biting - everytime you bite I will put you in the highchair.  He is biting because he doesn't have the words to express himself and biting works immediately - this phase usually doesn't last long.  You have just got to hope for understanding parents and I've had a couple who haven't been - but I've never had to kick someone out.

  9. Hi, I had a similar situation, when I was younger I had to watch a one year old during the summer in a day camp cause her mother worked in the staff. This kid couldn't talk yet so a lot of times she would get frustrated and bite other kids. So then she wasn't allowed to play with the nursery kids anymore. So I had to keep her entertained myself. It could be this child is biting because he wants to express himself but can't, so when he gets angry he bites. I would suggest as soon as you see signs of him getting tired or upset go over to him and try to figure out what he needs before he comes to biting. Maybe he should get a speech therapist to help him communicate what he wants, so he won't need to bite.

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