
Help with a rabbit health problem??!!??

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My 8 month old chocolate dutch rabbit has a bulbous sore above his eye. It has a open spot where if it is scratched off, it pusses out. He has had this for a month or two. I have tried antibiotics in the water and topical creams. I don't know what it is or how to get rid of it. It seems somewhat painful. Any one have any idea what it is and what to do about it? I really love this rabbit, but don't have any money to take him to a vet. Thanks!




  1. It could be a benign tumor that has ruptured.  The antibiotics were probably good for keeping it from  getting infected, but won't make the tumor itself go away.  Only a vet can remove it and find out if it is benign or malignant.  keep it clean; an infection could mean the end!!

  2. Sounds like a cyst, possibly caused by a Pasteurella infection, which will spread and kill your rabbit if not treated.  The rabbit really needs to see a vet and be properly diagnosed and treated.  I'm sure it is painful for him.  Look into CareCredit- it will allow you to make interest-free payments on vet treatment over a period of time.  Your vet will have details, or CareCredit has a website.  If you are unable to treat him properly, please find a local rescue group who will take him and get him the help he needs, and then please don't get another one.  Rabbits, like other pets, are a big commitment and DO need to see a vet when ill.  It's cruel, and in most locations criminal, to allow an animal to go without proper vet care when it is obviously in need of it.  

  3. call the vet.

  4. You need to take him to a vet.  

  5. Sounds like an abscess. You can open it up and clean it with warm soapy water and then rinse it well. Use peroxide to clean it out then. Then use a antibiotic ointment on it. You may have to do this everyday for awhile before it heals up.

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