
Help with a really weird dream?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so I had a dream that I was at my house (everything was normal) except that my grandma was home (she doesn't live with us) and my mom, aunt, and grandma were all planning on killing themselves. When they told me I started to tell my mom not too and started crying, but she was determined on committing suicide. I think about 5 months passed (i was still in my dream, like a time skip) and my aunt was the only one that didn't end up killer herself, but when I thought of my mom I didn't feel pain...I was thinking that it was what she wanted...but it's crazy because in real life I love my mom and I would never feel that.

What can this mean? What are your opinions?

thank you.




  1. it is only a fere you fear losing your mom and other people who are close to you on top of that you fear not caring or remembering them after they die it is only a fear it is not somthing you need to worry about

  2. I had a dream where I was Agent Smith and said "hot Japanese girls are INEVITABLE!"

  3. I don't know... But thats a scary dream...

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