
Help with a report for school?

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have a school essay i need to write, and i am having trouble with it. it says i need a two page essay that answers the following questions:

who are you as a reader?

who are you as a writer?

please any help at ALL will be greatly appreciated :)) give me anything you can; your answers, how you would start the essay, ect. it has to be in intro body conclusion format btw thanks




  1. If I had to write this I would start by introducing myself and explaining who i am.  Then I would take two paragraph who I am as a reader.  Then I would take another two paragraphs to explain who I am as a writer.  From there I would write a conclusion recapping what I had said in the rest of the essay.  If I was not yet at two pages I would go through it tryign to come up with bigger and more intelligent sounding words to use.  I hope I helped!  Good luck on your essay!

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