
Help with a rubik's cube

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i have every green cube in place except one which is on the bottom can someone explain how i can get it in the spot i want it in. the cube is on the bottom top right, right underneath the spot i need ti to go in.




  1. even that is only ur problem but doin that only gives u more mistakes show me a pic of it

    also if that happens a possiblityof doin it again must sometimes be performed

  2. You can go to a website that can give you steps on how to complete it.

    I hope that this website helps you. Good luck!

  3. go to

    and look at "solving one side". it also tells you how to do the whole thing

  4. When you solve a rubik's cube you should not try to solve it all at once.

    First you need to your green side is all lined up properly, with the center pieces in the middle layer. Every center pieces represents the color of each side.

    What you do is you mike a cross with the green side by lining up the gree-yellow middle piece with the yellow line up the the yellow center piece and green withe the green ceter piece, green-white middle piece white lined up with the white ceter piece and green with the green side, green-red middle piece, red lined up with the red center piece.      

    When you've solved the cross you start filling in the green corners IN THE RIGHT PLACE again. first you get the green-red-white piece underneath the spot the green cross then hold the cornner that you want to fix on your right hand side green face up and turn the right side counterclockwise, then bottum (blue)side counterclockwise, right side clockwise, buttum side clockwise. Repeat that until you get the corner piece up on the green side. When you've done your first side, you know if you've done it properly if you have a T on the red, white, orange, yellow sides. Good Luck!

    P.S If still can't do it or if you can't solve the rest watch this:    

  5. If you're working on the first layer, you put the piece under the one you want it to go.  (Like you said it is)

    Hold the cube so your corner piece is in the front and in your right hand.


    Right forward, bottom counter-clockwise, right back, bottom clockwise.

    Keep doing that over and over again.  Eventually, the green piece will end up in the right spot.

    That's the beginner's method, at least, and the easiest one.

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