
Help with a strange dream. It was short but really made me scared.?

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I was in my Na house (who is passed away in 2000) and it was really dark. I was in her hall way standing over my father (who is now also passed away in 2004) I think he was standing also but was lower than I was and he looked... pale like a person when they die. And he was wrapped in a sheet sort of... and there was this very orange light it was very orange and like a spot light on him from above us and I felt ....empty looking at him. And I felt so.. scared. In life I was not scared of my father he was a good dad to me I just can't shake the dream... it was probably about a year ago and I still think about it almost daily. I have looked on-line but found nothing so far any ideas?




  1. i can understand it scaring u like that especially if u allways had a good relationship with ur dad . but u have 2 let go think of the good times u ur nan and dad spent together . if it helps go and visit there graves 4 a chat or if they dont have one light a candle by a photo of them hope this helps u take care

  2. I'm not sure of your beliefs in God, but in all that, you know that the coming of eternal life is part of God's plan, yeah?  With that in mind, here's what I think.

    I think this dream was a parting message from your dad as you knew him on Earth.  The reason he was standing, but shorter than you is signification that he is now a "child of god."  The reason you feel empty looking at him is because the person who looked like your dad no longer looks like he did when you knew him.  He was there, in the dream.  The reason you felt empty is because the love he has for you now is so much greater than what he had for you then.  This dream is like your dad telling you, "I love you so much more now than I did then, that it's like back then there might as well have been no love at all."  There was love, of course, but this is a contrast of magnitude.  These temporary bodies cloud the perception between our spirits.  When your dad died, he saw you as you really are, and his love exploded to fill the universe with all he has for you.

    The fear you felt after the dream was you not understanding why you can't see your dad the way you knew him here.  The not understanding was so bad that it left you in a state of psychological, catatonic terror on a very deep level because you probably always thought you'd see your dad as you knew him before.  That was a temporary body, not a permanent one, just as yours is temporary.

    The reason you think of this dream almost daily is because it's still your dad there trying to get you to accept this, then to look into yourself, connect your spirit with your childhood imagination and fantasies to remember who you are as an eternal being.

    And you're not alone.  Everyone is having dreams like this right now.  The only reason everyone's dreams SEEM different is because each of our minds uses the symbols, ideas and mental imagery we've accumulated in life to form the elements of the dream.  But they're all saying the same thing.

  3. I think the orange light, was literally a spot light on him, showing how very important he was and is to you. But in the dream he is dead, as in real life, the sheet represents a shroud, the type people wear in coffins.  He is lower than you because he literally is, underground. If he is buried.  The sheet represents how your relationship with him is over. He is pale, he no longer looks like himself, and that saddens you greatly and scares you.

    The fact that Na's house is dark represents the emptiness you feel   on losing 2 people you loved.

    Even though this was a fear-provoking dream, think of it as a powerful dream, as it says 2 people whom you loved are still with you in some way, your memory and your heart. Those memories will never leave you and even though they are not here in the flesh, they will be with you forever.

    Try to see the positive in this, you are loved!

    One more thought, the color orange is often seen in sunsets, most sunrises I've seen are more red. There is a phrase you may not be aware of or you've heard it and just don't recall it, "your sunset years" meaning the last years of your

    life. Just a thought.

  4. What a strange dream. People have strange dreams too - but this one caught me off, i prefer is just stop thinking and if it happens again - then it does have a meaning.

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