
Help with a top spin serve in volleyball?

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i want to get a good top spin on my serves. can anyone give me a good description of how to execute one? (i'm left handed btw.)




  1. ok so what i do is i hit against the wall.  you kneed to snap your wrist alot.  one thing that i do that helps me is that i shake my hand making it loose. when you hit the ball it really helps to have a really loose hand. the more loose your hand is the easier it is for your hand to snap the ball.  Try loosening your hand and following through.  If you keep your hand really stiff and stop once you hit it you get a float serve.  so try serving like that and i hope it helps!

  2. definintly think about hitting on top of the ball as opposed to behind it

    that little tip helped me a lot this past year

  3. one way that you can work on top spin is by hitting a volleyball against a wall. it helps you practice hitting more on top of them ball.

    i personally think it's better to have a serve with no top spin. It's better to hit the ball straight on so it will float over the net. it's a lot harder to pass it, and it just kinda drops on the court.

  4. Unless you can jump really high, you must hit the ball up with your hand going up.  It's hard to get it just right.  It's easier to

    hit a "wobble" server where you hit it flush and it causes the ball to change shape...going from fat to makes the ball speed up and slow down.

    For top spin, you can also gain spin by throwing the ball up with a spin.

    The bad thing about top spin is that when the other player hits it, it favors them.  It makes the ball pop up.  If it's a "bottom spin", the ball will want to spin down to the ground.

  5. For a top spin serve, my team typically uses two different methods that result in topspin.

    The first, throw the ball just in front of you and not too high without any spin. Hit the bottom-center of the ball and once it's about to leave you, snap the wrist hard and bring your hand slightly over the ball. If you hit the ball too high to start with, it'll go straight down and not likely over the net.

    The second, you throw the ball just slightly behind you with your right hand and arch your back backwards. Put your right hand up to guide your left hand like a spike. Transfer your weight forward onto the ball and snap your wrist hard. You should contact the ball slightly behind your head at it's center. My friend does an awesome job with transferring his weight into topspin and his serves feel insanely heavy.

    Personally, I prefer the latter method cause it allows for more topspin. Once you're better you can add some spin on the toss as well and practice adding some more topspin.

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