
Help with a training bra...?

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my sister is 10 and when she wears tight shirts you can see her b*****s. my mom has tried for a year now to get her to wear a 'training bra'. she hates it and wont wear it. its becoming an issue, her uniform this year she wears a skirt not a jumper, so the shirts are a bit see-through. she told me she gets itchy from the band of the bra, but shes not allergic to anything. the bras were mine, (7 years + ago) does that have anything to do with it? i told her i would take her to get something to wear to school. ( im afraid her friends (and the boys!) will see that she isnt wearing one, and due to the shirt issue, poke fun at her...they both already wear bras).

the main point i guess would be does anyone know any super-comfortable bras for girls, training bras or 'cami-bras'. she likes the stores like justice and limited 2, any other ideas or suggestions? (old navy, target, gapkids, etc?)

sorry its so long!




  1. You should take her and let her try on a few to see which is most comfortable to her. Perhaps if she has her own brand new one she'll like wearing it more. Is she aware that you can see her b*****s through the shirt and just doesn't care? Or does she not even realize it? Pointing it out to her may help as well.  

  2. My sister gets these super-comfy ones from Walmart.

    They come in a pack of 3, colors of grey, pink, and white.

    Here they are!

    If she doesn't like those, look around shops like Walmart, Target, Lasenza Girl, Limited 2, etc, and try them on until she finds a few she likes.

  3. There are lots of soft 'bra tops' on the market.  They are not formed into a shape but are more girly than a vest you would wear as a younger child.  If the band is tight it will be uncomfortable but she is also not used to wearing it and it probably does feel odd at first.  It's just a question of getting used to it, especially as she's not keen in the first place. As you know she will start to get remarks from other children soon which will make her want to wear a bra soon enough so if she really isn't ready yet, she will be when she realised people are seeing through her shirt.

  4. I would buy her new ones from like walmart.

  5. take her shopping and if she doesn't find any type of bra she likes then buy her a cami that she can wear under her uniform every day. (try EVERY type of bra first)

  6. def. try cami-bras cause they are the easiest to start out with. not itchy and they should have them at ltd2. also buy her new ones and get some fun ones though she cant wear them to school...she can get comfortable wearing them everywhere else

  7. Limited Too has soft training bras that don't have hooks or anything. If she doesn't want to wear a bra she could just wear a tank top/cami under her shirt. Khols also has good training bras. Hope this helps  :)  

  8. I totally get how she's feeling! When I got my first bra, I wasn't really developed yet, like she is, but I couldn't wear them cause they were so itchy! I just kept trying to wear them, and eventually got used to them. It could be because they are old too. I mean Your sweat, and Your dead skin cells, etc. So that could be what's causing her itching too! I hope this helps! = )

  9. you should bring to to a place like khols or something and have her feel the strap first.

    Best of Luck :]

  10. you and her should have a girls day be like your growing upo we should go have fun take her to the mall and ltd2 has bra's have her pick out fun colours and everything go to target and buy her a few cami's tht have built in bra's buy some make-up go to lunch and watch movies at night it'll be fun and it will welcome her into the idea of being a young woman!

  11. i hav this problem just stinks to wear a bra.they feel sucky!i understand her.but its not fun when the boys poke u in the nipple saying i see you boo boo's tell her she doesnt want that to happen to her.get some at target.they are super compfy.

  12. I think cami-bra's are the easiest to start out with.. but let your sister us the tag less ones so they won't be itchy

  13. I can see why she might not want to wear 7 year old bras!

    Take her to the store and buy her something pretty, fun and easy to wear.  Or if she hates the idea of a lingerie department, go by a sports store like Sports Authority, etc., go to the women's department, and purchase a sports bra there.  

  14. Hey there!

    It takes a while to get used to  wearing a bra. They can be itchy, and that just means that you need to keep looking until you find the right one for you, or in this case your sister. Take her shopping, have her try a couple on and find one that is comfortable for her. Me and my niece Maddison went shopping around for them, and we found ones at target that were very comfy. Target has a lot of variety, so she would be able to pick one out that she enjoys. Limited Too, Justice, Target, Walmart, Meijer, and Kohls all have a good selection.

    Make it a fun day. Maybe take her bra shopping, get a couple of chick flicks, and head home and watch movies all night!

    Adolescent years can be tough, so help her and guide her. Any assitance I bet she would appreciate.



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