
Help with adoption!?

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I am not old enough yet, but in a few months i am planning on adopting an older child, about 7ish. I was adopted when i was just a little baby and i feel like God wants me to return the favor and save a life. I want to adopt an older child because they have a lesser chance of being adopted. I'm just asking for advice, or anything to help me with the process! Thanks.




  1. as far as what to have i would say that you need his/her own room...plenty of clothes, good school, etc. Other than that any parent struggles weather the child is little or is just the way it is. Any child that age may have some problems because they are so old and no family but they would love you so much for loving them and taking them in. I think all will go great for you and wish you the best of luck.

  2. I am impressed.  Amber, you need to give this serious though, there is a reason older children are not always adopted and not just because people want babies.  I have adopted all my children.  Some were infants, others toddlers and one was a p*****n.  I love them all dearly, but the hardest thing ever was getting a young man to know my home was permanent.  He had so many emotional scars, and so many doubts that he was lovable, that it took years, for him to be able to show love.  He is an adult now and still struggles in relationships.  I think you need to be well into adulthood, and be very stable both financially and emotional before you adopt.  Even more so with the adoption of an older child.

  3. You would need to have a stable income.  It is a very long process that could take at least 2 years to complete.

  4. My family has adopted 3 children

    Find a good agency.

    Just so you know it takes a lot of money

  5. It doesn't take a lot of money, no set income is require. You must be stable, your house/apartment doesn't need to be huge however having a seprate room for the baby is best. Go to an agency, there are so many, try becoming a foster parent first so you get a feel for it and see how you interact. If you are sure this is what you want, and when you are old enough and ready, Please don't let anyone hold you back, go for it.

  6. get a lawyer and let him walk you through it adoption lawyer is one to find. take care.

  7. You can help by doing foster care and adopting through the state.  Doing foster care is a good way to help out kids who need a safe place to go for a short time.  It is very demanding and rewarding at the same time....

    It will help you know your limits and I think it is a great way to start...

  8. Make sure you get a homestudy done & find a really good adoption agency & worker to help you. I tried to adopt my neice once but the county didn't like anyone in the birth family. Good luck.

  9. Amber, honey, God doesn't have anything to do with adoption!  

    You don't have to pay back or return a favor to anyone.  Did you ask to be adopted? No, you were the child of adoption and your adoptive parents got the pleasure of your company --you did them a favor!  You owe nothing to NO ONE.

    Now, why not take that good heart of yours and do some volunteering somewhere?  Share yourself-- with maybe some old people in a nursing home?  Big Brothers/Big Sisters? And if you need to be around kids--why not babysit?  I babysat kids from the time I was 12 until I was 28!

    You should be thinking about school, and developing yourself into the sort of woman (you have LOTS of time) who would make a good mother.  Where would you like to be in 5 years, 10 years?  

    Just because you were adopted doesn't mean you have to adopt a child.  I was adopted, and I have three of my own children.  Remember, doll, you're off the hook, you don't have any favors to return!

  10. Bless you.  There are several adoption agencies out there, but I don't know where you're from to give you specifics.   I think its wonderful that God has spoken to you about something so dear to your heart.  Some places won't let you adopt if you're single ,and I don't think China allows singles to adopt now as they rightfully don't want g**s to adopt.  I suggest that you look thru your phone book or on line for agencies in your area.  Good luck and God Bless

  11. I don't understand why people who answer assume they know everything about the askers life situation and motives, etc. and feel so compelled to try and talk people out of adoption. I too am in the process of trying to adopt, and if you feel that this is what you really want and have considered all the responsibilities and risks involved then I think it is wonderful that you want to help another child in the way that you were helped, and especially an older child who, as you said, may be harder to place. The only possible problem, since I don't know how old you are, is that some places require you to be a certain number of years older than the child you are trying to adopt. But you can get lots of information about requirements, etc. for adopting and older child from foster care by contacting your local foster care director. I don't know what state you are in, but if you like your'e welcome to e-mail me, I have a complete list of foster care agencies for each state, so I could give you the contact info for your state if you don't already have it. Follow your heart and Good luck!

  12. if ur gonna be a mother dont be to up tight or stuff kids wanna be free and they want to learn from there own mistake they also want to come home and feel like they can talk to there mother and also they wanna come home and tell you there grade in school whether they are good or bad because they will know that they have your full support =D

    other than that good luck :P

  13. How old are you anyway? Why adopt a child which is older than you? Focus on your self first and if you are old enough and can sustain another life, then that's the time you can adopt someone.
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