
Help with airplane sickness?

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I get really sick on airplanes! What type of medicine should I take? My stomach and head hurt and then on the last 30 minutes I feel like I'm going to barf!




  1. I started getting airplane sick when I was 5, and have grown out of it over 8 years of flying about 6 times a year (mostly from America to Denmark so 8 hour flights and I would get really really really sick).

    Things that used to help me where bringing snack food along from home that isn't too fating to snack on the whole way, I would bring a bag of chips, or a lot of sandwiches and stuff. Also my dad would say that if I make the trip without vomiting then he'd give me 5 dollars, which is great to keep up your motivation. Then at the last two years of flight sickness I was introduced to Dramamine which I would take about 30 min before the flight, this would make me sleepy, and prevent sickness. (However on long distance flights you should probably take 1 during the flight also).

    If you have forgotten food, Dramamine, then the best thing to do is to sleep.

  2. I bought these wrist things you wear...Bought them for 10 dollars at a drugstore and they really helped. They apply pressure to points on your wrist that help with feeling dizzy/sick. I threw up on the way to my destination and felt like I was going to pass out. On the way back I had those things and while I didn't feel 100 percent I didn't throw up or really feel like I was going to pass out. I just didn't feel great.

    I think my issue was dehydration which can play a major role in feeling sick when cabin pressure changes. I suggest taking a decongestant (helps with stuffy head) about an hour before you take off and every 4 hours after (depending on your flight). Take this with a bottle of Gatorade and drink the whole bottle before getting on board. Put wrist things on and I think you should be okay. Oh and eat pretzels or saltines when you get on and drink gingerale on the flight (helps to calm your tummy). Tempted as you may don't eat a heavy meal before getting on...stick to the pretzels, saltines or fresh fruit. Eat more on the plane if you get really hungry. Your body needs time for food to settle and the constant up and down and change in pressure could make you feel more sick.

    Hope it helps!

  3. Go to the pharmacy and ask for travel sickness tablets. Take one 30 minutes before boarding the plane and you'll be fine!

  4. Im not sure what medicine you should take, but maybe you could try rescue remedy, its all natural and might calm you down a bit. =D

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