
Help with an Apple computer?

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I'm not a computer person. My dad bought an apple computer a while ago and he doesn't know how to use it and probably never will. I've slowly been learning how to use it. I asked my dad for the internet and he told me that if I learn how to use the laptop I can have it. He said that I can use the network from our house to get wireless internet on the laptop. I just don't know how to do that. Can someone please walk me through the steps of getting wireless internet on my apple laptop using our home's network? Keep in mind I'm not a computer person so.... layman's terms please.




  1. If your laptop has built-in wifi -- and it should -- it will show you ALL the dsl signals within 200 feet of your laptop.

    A 12 year old boy can run an apple, your dad can too.  It really is intuitive.

    Have it run Networks Diagnostics. It will, and ask you which network you wish to join.

    This page at apple  should help you, too:

  2. in the upper right hand corner of your mac click the wifi signal bars and connect. If you don't have a wireless network setup buy a router and try watching youtube videos on how to set it up.

  3. In the upper right corner of your computer screen (where you see the time and magnifying flass) there is a funnel shaped icon, almost like a rounded cone. This is the WiFi icon and it needs to be ON in order for you to receive WiFi. When it is on you will see lines that look a like a signal. There are four lines here when you have good reception, you will see less with bad reception. To turn it on, click on that icon and you will see the option to turn it on.

    But first you need a wireless router, which is a box that takes your internet and broadcasts it. If you do not have one, you must call your internet provider (ATT, Verizon, whoever) and ask them for one. Typically they are free when you sign a contract with them. You may already have one, so if you're not sure, check the box it came with. If you lost the box, look at the device (the box that your internet cables are connected to) and see it has an antenna or "Wireless" label. Once you have this wireless router turned on and with the appropriate cables connected, your Mac will pick up the signal and give you wireless internet.

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