
Help with an eBay item sent overseas?

by  |  earlier

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I sold an item on eBay recently, and printed out a shipping label from PayPal. The item was sent August 12th, from West Virginia, USA, to Budapest, Hungary. Today, I received a message from the buyer claiming that she had not yet received the item. The item was sent via Priority Mail Flat Rate Envelope, and since it was international, cannot be tracked. All I have is a customs number from the forms.

I tried calling the USPS 800number, and was told that an international flat rate envelope can't be tracked. Is it reasonable to say that since this package is traveling from the U.S. to Hungary it would take well over a week to arrive? And is there any way I can find it?




  1. If they say you can't track it,then you can't.It wouldn't surprise me at all that it could 2-3 weeks to arrive.

  2. It could take up to 2 weeks so always allow this.

    In the future advertise and charge for a tracking service to prevent the risk of scammers taking you for a ride.

    I'd contact the buyer and suggest that they contact you in a weeks time and also tell them that you will forward them the details in order for them to make a claim agains the postal company if it has not been delivered by then. I wouldn't offer a refund or replacement at this stage.

    You might want to try bluffing them by saying that you have been told that the item was delivered by the postal company after 2 weeks but that's up to you. Usually if it is a scammer and they don't seem to be getting anywhere the item is suddenly received.

    I hope the item wasn't worth a lot because the worst scenario would be that they make a claim with Paypal [if it was used] and 99% of the time they will find in favour of the buyer and refund the money from your account.

    Good luck and if it goes bad learn from it.

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