
Help with an injured bird?

by  |  earlier

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HEEEEEEEEEEEEELP. Okay this bird my dad found seems to be injured, it's legs are bent in some weird way. However its really quiet and still. i've read other question on injured birds but people keep saying different things like dont feed, and the other says feed. what do i do with it? i have no rehabber around my area. I dont want to cage it for long, for fear that it will not have its natural instincts anymore. what do i do?!?!?!?!?!?




  1. okay, i have a friend who had a bird fly into a window and it broke a leg. she dug up some worms and fed them to it and then took him to the vet. it is better to feed the animal first then take it to the vet

  2. Are you sure you have no rehabs in your is a pretty extensive list...hopefully one near you:

    This would be the best place to take the bird for it's best chance of survival.

  3. take it to a vet immediately!!! you'll kill it if you keep it like that. it doesn matter if a vet is far you need to do this like right now or it will die. people are so retarted when they think they can heal an animal they find injured when they have no training. take to a vet unless you want to kill it. immediately!!!!

  4. Unfortunately, these things always seem to happen on weekends or holidays!  Perhaps you could look up "wildlife" societies in the yellow pages and call - they will give you some advice.

  5. i feel that you should do what you feel is comfortable with you if you want to feed and nurture him i would do so check this website out OK. there are sometips on your ? about that bird ok

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