
Help with anxiety while high?

by  |  earlier

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Im 17 and have smoked weed a good bit for 7 months. When i get high at my house by myself i feel fine and listen to music or go for a walk with my ipod or somthing, but when i get high with my friends i get anxious, dont want to talk and feel nervious which is the complete opposite of how i act when im not high. Does anyone have any tips to help me just relax and not care so much. My freinds have been smoking weed for a few years so somtimes i think they might just be more use to being high but after 7 months i feel my anxiety etc should be gone, i know it has become not as bad since i first started. One thing that alwasy happens that i think might cause me to not want to talk is that i think i sound different like my voice is really scratchy from my throat being dry ( my buddys have said i sound normal but i dont know if they are just saying that just to make me not worry about it ) but i constantly think i sound really weird. Last thing i have thought of is that i have only lived in canada 2 years after moving from the states, and mabye i just get nervious as i dont know the people im hanging out with as well as they know each other ( as they have been freinds for 10 years and me only 1 year)

Does anyone have any tips on what i can do to help the problems or and personal experiances to help me. I think next time i get high ( tomorrow) i will just bring the topic up and tell my freinds why i think i get these feelings and if they notice or not, it very well could all be me thinking im acting weird when im not and thats what causes this.

thanks in advance and plz spare the anti-drug sayings that im sure a million of you are just waiting to reply with.




  1. I think that my voice sounds weird when i smoke also... but my husband doesn't notice it. Not a big deal i just suck on a candy and it goes away. I am opposite, i smoke because i am anxious... so I am not sure what to suggest for that. Just try to calm yourself down... maybe its that your a little paranoid from being with a group of ppl. That has happened to me once.  

  2. stop it and find new friends.  because you'll end up a useless 30 yr old stoner playing his xbox  

  3. Best advice for you....quit smoking it's illegal

  4. I don't really know exactly what to tell you. I smoked weed daily from the time I was about 16 until I found out I was pregnant over a year ago when I was twenty one. Usually when I wasn;t high I suffered from anxiety and depression and sometimes the weed helped and sometimes it gave me anxiety attacks. I felt weirded around people that I didn't know very well than I did around my close friends, or being in a group of people who were closer to my friends than I was always made me feel paranoid that they were making fun of me or something. I didn't want to quit though because I liked it so much. But after I quit I didn't have these problems anymore. You only think your voice sounds weird because you are high, it really sounds the same, if you are worried about it that much, carry a water bottle because cotton mouth sucks anyway, or use gum.  Don't tell your friends about it, trust me, it will just make you feel more weird once you are high and you know that they are aware of your condition. I'd say just don't smoke a whole lot, I often had more problems when I took many hits as opposed to just a few. Sorry, I hope you get better with this though, and I am sure you will once you know your friends better. Good luck!

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