
Help with any ice sakting tips?

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I am new to the world of ice sakting nad i am going to buy my own saktes hopefully. I had my first try and i can just about skate 12 feet without and help. Has any one got any tips on how i can improve caz ia wan to get good at the sport.




  1. always always make sure you practice AT LEAST once a week. try to shoot for 3 times. if thats not possible try to shoot for 2 times.

    you should get a coach. i use to take group lessons but they didn't help me at all so i got my own private coach. i love having one she is really good!

    there is really good books at the library and at book stores that you can read to find out additional information.

  2. Lots of practice!  Try to get to the rink as often as you can.  Also, lessons are key to learning the right technique.  Most people start with group lessons.

    Here are a few tips: bend your knees, don't look down at the ice, use your arms to help you balance (keep them out to the sides), try to push off the side of the blade rather than the toepick, keep your shoulders level and relaxed, and keep your back straight (don't lean forward or backward).

    Good luck & have fun!  :)

  3. Practice Practice Practice. Bend your knees, keep your arms and head up, push off the blade not the toe, and once you get something right, try it again doing it the exact same way that you did it on the first really good one. Have fun and good luck!

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