
Help with assignment?

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"You are to prepare an information session for a group of Australian students who are about to go on exchange to a (selected country) to study at a school there. The information is designed to assist these Australian students to prepare for these visits"

I chose Japan

If you are japanese or know the answer to any of these questions please reply :)

If someone asked you about Japan in general what would you say?

What things would you warn people about when coming to Japan?

How would you describe the differences or similarities with Japan?

How do the Japanese communicate verbally?

Do you have any non verbal communications for communicating with each other?

Would there be anything that Japanese find rude that Australian’s wouldn’t?

In your opinion what could help in fixing intercultural communication?

THANKYOU! 10 for best/quickest answer




  1. There are a lot of do's and donts. best place to look at is failing that CIA world factbook.

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