
Help with axel?

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i'm a figure skater, and i'm having trouble landing my axel, any tips? i wear a pair of Jackson Freestyle skates. Thanks!




  1. I had Jacksons and LOVED them.


    1. try bell jumps- skate forward jump off of 2 feet do 1 full rotation and land on 2 feet.

    2. do waltz jumps ad in the air click your heals

    3. waltz jump loop

    4: waltz jump back spin

    5. perfect your back spin

    6. dont be afraid to get hurt

    7. go onto toe picks and do half circles on a line alternating steps. this helps to get your feet in the correct postion.

    Hope this helps!

  2. Just think about doing a waltz jup back scratch spin in the air.  Kick your free leg straight throw and follow through with your arms.  Think about going up and over.
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