
Help with baby's tummy time, please!?

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my 11week old daughter needs tummy time badly! She has a mishapen head and cant lift her head too well yet. So Im really pushing for tummy time, putting her on her belly almost every time she's done feeding. THe thing is she either screams bloody murder or falls fast asleep. She never seems to try to lift her head or work at all. Ive tried the tummy time pillow and she just sets her head right down and sleeps. Any suggestions to get her to enjoy tummy time and work at lifting her head?




  1. I've been struggling with this issue for the past 2 months and then suddenly, a week ago, my son decided that he loves tummy time.  haha.  a few weeks ago, i read to lay down on your back and put your legs up in air, bent at the knees and lay your baby on your shins, staring down at you.  my son adored this!  he laughed and squealed and cooed at me.  since then, he has loved having tummy time on laying on mine or my husband's chest and looking at us.  he still isn't thrilled about laying on the floor, but last night he was actually reaching for a toy and trying to crawl to get it.  he is 3 months old.  i hope this helps!

  2. don't do it right after a feeding...that is too much pressure on her little belly.  Try doing tummy time on your belly...lay on your back and lay belly to belly with her...and talk to her so she looks up to find your face

  3. My lil girl was the same way so i just put her on my belly and talked to her and that did the trick. She still doesnt like to much of it but its enough that has her neck strengthen alot more now. Shes 3 1/2 months now and shes doing really good.. can sit straight up and after bout 10 min she starts to get the wobble on

    Good Luck

  4. My son hated tummy time for the longest time, he is 4months and still doens't really like it, can only stand about 5-8minutes. What I do more of is sitting him on my lap and just letting him sit there and look around, that too is building the muscles...just sit directly behind her so if her head falls back your chest is there to support it, but let her hold her own head.....we have also used a lambskin tummy time rug...yes it's real lambskin, but it works, he loves the feeling of it!!!!

    good luck, and just keep at it. it will get better.

  5. My daughter was the same way. One thing you don't want to do is put her down on her tummy right after she eats, wait at least an hour , that could be part of the reason she hates it so much. I have tried many things. I purchased the "Spin and Explore" by Lamaze it's a play mat with a raised pedestal that allows the baby to spin around and look at the different things. Start slowly only a few minutes at a time so she can gradually get used to is. Also I found that sitting her up on my tummy and holding her upright allows her to gain control of her head. You just have to try several things to see what she will tolerate. Also try tummy to tummy time, that way she can look at your face. Good luck!!

  6. my daughter is 6 months old and still kinda hates tummy time. just continue to do it everyday . even if it is like 5 mins. it will get better

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