
Help with baby nursery decor??

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I'm only 17 weeks but i want to start getting the room ready and buying stuff but the fact is i don't wanna know if its a boy or a girl! But i want the nursery in care bears can that be a boys to? I really want care bears.




  1. go ahead and buy unisex stuff....crib, carseat, changing table ect. wait till you know the s*x to decorate the room. thats what im doing.

  2. I love Care Bears too. They work for a boy but only till he's about 2. He'll start getting into trucks and cars and superheros. If you don't mind changing the room in a couple whatever you want. The babies don't know! Room decor is more for us mommies anyway :) Have fun.

  3. Yes if you think about it grumpy tenderheart lionheart and tug are all boys i'm sure there are more boy but just can't think of them lol id also steer clear of pink/blue maybe purple cuz that can be girly or boyish good luck

  4. I do not think care bears is a good choice for boys...

    but then again I'm not really a fan of "character" nurseries...

    if you are looking for cheap/reasonable choices....check out

    they have great options that are online (plus most can be shipped from site to store, so you don't have to pay extra on shipping).

    Here are a few beddings that I like for a gender neutral nursery:

    ***this one is 10 pieces!!!

    ***simple and cheap!

    ***a bit pricey but too cute and modern!

    ***love the color scheme

    ***very cute if you like animals/zoo/jungle...and doesn't look "boyish"

  5. yes it can good luck

  6. I've never associated boys with Care Bears. However, I think you certainly could do it. It really depends on how you do the paint colors and the rest of the decorating what "gender" the room is.

  7. If you like Care Bears, do it up in Care Bears!

    It's a baby, and for the first number of years, it totally doesn't matter what the room looks like - it's happy to have a room and be loved!

    For everyone else:

    What is so 'girly' about care bears?!

    They're just bears!

    I did my baby's room up in dinos because I LIKE DINOS!

    I don't care if people think that it's boyish, I hate pink frilly c**p and if I  end up with a girl and SHE likes pink girly c**p then I'll change it later on when she tells me that she'd like her room changed, then we change it to what SHE likes. If it's a boy and he ends up liking pink girly c**p, well then he can tell me too and we'll change the room to suit what HE likes.

    So I say do it up in Care Bears - they're cute and your baby sure isn't going to refuse to sleep in the room because some strangers think that Care Bears are (for some crazy reason) not the 'right' s*x decor.

    It's your baby room and you're the one who has to look at it - so enjoy :)

  8. I might consider something else.

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